Home Page

Year 1/2



We are delighted to welcome you to the little home of Year One on our school website! Croeso! 

We are incredibly busy in Year One. Our topic for the Autumn term is Superheroes - Let’s Celebrate! We have helped our grown ups to plan and design activities that relate to this topic and spark our interests … which also connect to our Flourish Curriculum of course! 


During the Autumn Term, we will be …

Studying and producing fables, instructional writing and poetry.

Undertaking individual, paired and guided reading activities (including using our new Giglets scheme). 
Participating in lots of gymnastic activities and learning how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 
Conducting research into our favourite animals. 
Listening and discussing some of the music produced by the Beatles! 
Learning lots of Welsh!
Learning that ‘Not all Superheroes wear capes!’ …

and lots more! 

Important Information …

Home/Reading Days - Friday 

PE - Monday 

Snack is available for £1.50 per week! 

We document our adventures in Class Dojo and Twitter … so please pay us a visit! 


During the Spring term we will be ...


Following our new theme:  Frozen Planet - Penguins and Polar Bears!


We will be:

Exploring freezing and melting.

Looking at the habitats of polr bears and penguins.

Following the journey of a penguin a he travels through Wales to reach us at Hengoe Primary School!

Writing and performing a song about the journey of the penguin!

Writing letters, stories and leaflets!

Researching into animal conservation!

Creating an animal sanctuary for endangered polar bears and penguins!

During the Summer Term, we will be ...


Following our theme 'All Creatures Great and Small', where we will be focussing on worms, spiders, allotments and gardening!

Celebrating the Coronation!

Participating in our own Eurovision Song Contest!


Please continue to follow our adventures on Twitter and Class Dojo!  

Our Class Rabbit

Here is our Pupil Influnced Planning for the Spring Term! Our Topic is Polar Bears and Penguins!

Here is our overview for the Spring Term!

Here are our plans for the Summer Term!

Here are some snapshots of our year so far ...
